Friday, April 9, 2010

I never ordered an asshat... what are you doing here...?

I recently learned what short man syndrome is. I mean, I've known a lot of really short guys. I worked for one who was frankly the best boss I've ever had, and I mean ever. He may have been short in stature, but he was one of the "tallest" guys I've ever known. This guy knew how to build a team, develop commitment and motivate. Damn, he could even communicate and talk about feelings - a rare skill in IT managers.

Then there was the time I worked for the shortest asshat on the planet. This guy witheld information from staff who needed it, was narrow-minded, manipulative and talked to the entire team from the perspective of how he could progress his career further based on what they did. He was surfing on the talents of his team, but not leading, motivating or inspiring them. He had "no need" to know what "you people" did, he had no interest in his team, cared even less about the people and the entire team knew it. He was busy doing nothing, busy greasing his way up the "Management" pole, taking his female boss out for dinner and coffee.

All things considered, it only remains to say...
"You Sir, were a complete Asshat".

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