Saturday, April 10, 2010

The value of hair... in the beholder...

Those of us afflicted with femininity on the planet spend a fortune being waxed, plucked and moisturised. If it's curly we get it straightened, if it's straight we get it curled, and whatever colour it is - we get it changed. There is a multi-million dollar industry based on making us look like someone else... anyone else.

I was pondering the other day on why my husband pops into the barber on his way to work, every 8 weeks or so, for 15 minutes, parts with $18 and has his usual haircut. I go to the hairdressers once every 4-6 weeks, for about 2 hours at a time, I get the grey roots coloured (my mum was grey before she was 40 - thanks for those genes mum), I get a haircut and blow dry and part with approximately $200. Periodically, I also make a trip to the beautician, get my legs and underarms waxed, and possibly a pedicure, parting with another $200 or so.

It seems there is alot I have to do in order to be attractive and keep my husband from running off with a younger and more attractive woman. Does this mean that the beauty and fashion industries actually invest millions of dollars to make women feel miserable?. Perhaps in the hope that anxious women with self-esteem issues will spend huge sums of money to be made "attractive". I have to admit, I do know a number of those.

I like to think I don't quite fit that mould. A visit to the beautician is still a treat for me, especially in the current economic climate. But, if I've had a rough week at work, or I'm getting ready for my summer holiday I'll book an appointment to relax and feel pampered, not because I'm feeling insecure about myself.

So women's hair and skin is simply worth far more than men's is. We are more valuable. We are expensive and high maintenance because we have to be.

...and if that's not a get-out-of-jail-free-card I don't know what is...

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